The development of a new nanomaterial will significantly improve the performance of solar panels in the future

A group of researchers from the Singapore University of Design and Technology (SUTD) has conducted scientific research and developed a new material that can be used as a detector for biomolecules, as well as as a solar energy converter. The material obtained is based on nanostructures that actively interact with visible light and infrared rays. …

California has officially approved solar energy for all new homes starting in 2021

The California Building Standards Commission has officially endorsed new solar energy regulations for California new homes from 2021. This final vote confirms that the country’s Energy Commission is on the right track and makes the western US state the first state with such clean energy standards. The constructed housing will be highly energy efficient, however, …

Proper Renewable Energy Tuning Could Help Texas Balance Energy Resources

Recent studies show the growing importance of wind and solar energy in the US state of Texas. One of the main issues is the timing of the installation of wind and solar power plants, which is in many ways an unacceptable factor for local suppliers of fossil electricity. Researchers at the Rice Institute have proposed …

Everything you need to know about solar panels to really save money

Solar panels, or solar photovoltaic modules, convert the sun’s light energy into electrical energy. They are usually used as part of solar or wind-solar systems. Solar panels, or solar photovoltaic modules, convert the sun’s light energy into electrical energy. They are usually used as part of solar or wind-solar systems. 4 reasons why you should …

Myths and facts about solar panels

In the last 10 years, solar energy has shown the highest growth rates in the global energy industry. However, not everyone likes serious competition for traditional fuels from renewable energy sources. This predictably generates a wave of propaganda and myths, the purpose of which is to convince the inhabitants of the unprofitable and hopelessness of …

How solar energy is used

The partial use of solar energy by humans has been practiced since ancient times. Focusing beams, Archimedes burned enemy ships, and medieval peasants heated the air in the towers, which rotated the blades of mills. However, the large-scale use of solar energy began only in the 20th century. And after a few more decades, this …

PERC solar panels: technologies and features

Since about the mid-1980s, engineers have been actively working on the development of technology for reflecting the sun’s rays from the back surface of photovoltaic panels. This would significantly increase the absorption of light without increasing the cost of manufacturing the cells. Unfortunately, the technologies of that time did not allow achieving the desired result. …

Solar panels for street lighting: where to install

In the central part of large cities and towns of Russia, autonomous street lighting on solar batteries is not installed. However, in areas where connection to a centralized network is impossible or impractical, their use is fully justified. A simple calculation shows that when the distance from the nearest point of connection to power grids …

What are the benefits of using solar panels in space

As soon as man learned to put space vehicles into orbit, the question arose about the possibility of their long-term use. Correcting the orbit, transmitting data, supplying electricity to satellites and residential stations required energy. And it was possible to receive it around the clock outside the earth only from the sun. This is how …

Can hail beat solar panels

The list of the most important problems of concern to potential owners of their own solar power plants always includes the question “can hail beat solar panels.” Buyers’ concerns are understandable, as photovoltaic cells are protected from external influences by glass or plastic films. And these materials, unlike metals, are psychologically associated in people with …