How does the angle of installation of solar panels affect?

Solar panels are installed on the roof or walls of houses, as well as on the ground, on special structures. In order for the installation of solar panels to become as efficient and profitable as possible for the consumer, it is necessary to properly maintain the angle of installation of solar panels. After all, just buying and installing them is not enough, it is important to “catch” as much sun as possible with them.

A solar battery consists of photovoltaic cells (read more here …) that convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy. It is clear that the system generates more energy, provided the maximum energy hits the cell. Yes, it all depends on the manufacturer and the power of the battery, but the angle of installation of the solar panels is no less important. Fixed systems are popular, so there is no way to track the position of the sun throughout the day. As a result, the batteries are not installed at the most optimal angle.

The optimal angle of inclination of the batteries plays a very important role in the installation of the panels. In order to choose it correctly, you need to take into account the time of day. The more sunlight hits the panel at right angles throughout the day, the more energy you can get. The next important factor is the season. Depending on the season, the height of the sun is different, which in turn requires a different angle for the panels. For example, in winter it is better to place the panels more vertically, and in summer – horizontally.

How to find out the approximate angle of installation of solar panels

Since it is not possible to change the angle of inclination of solar panels with the change of season, it is recommended to choose the optimal position. And the last, no less important factor is the latitude in which the system will be located. Considering that each latitude dictates its optimal angle (and in the equatorial region, solar panels are generally installed parallel to the ground), it is recommended that the angle of inclination of the batteries be taken the same as the latitude of the area. Approximately, the angle of installation of the batteries can be determined as follows:

  • latitude – 0-15 degrees, then the angle of inclination of the panels will be 15 degrees;
  • 15-25 degrees, then the panel must be mounted at the same angle;
  • 25-30 degrees, then the angle of inclination of the panels will be 5 degrees more;
  • 30-35 degrees – add 10 degrees;
  • 35-40 degrees – plus 15 degrees, respectively;
  • and if the latitude of the area is more than 40 degrees, then we add 20 degrees to the latitude of the area.

Also, the angle of inclination of the batteries can vary based on local characteristics, load, shading.

The performance of the installed photovoltaic system directly depends on the correct installation of the panels and the design of the solar power plant as a whole, matched to it. It is important to consider all the factors that affect energy production.

Installing solar panels yourself and not having enough experience and knowledge can lead to the fact that the efficiency of the solar station will not be maximum. It will take a lot of money and time to fix errors. Turning to specialists, you will protect yourself from mistakes.